Oh, I feel so bad for you.  I am going through the same thing!  I wrote to
the FML two weeks ago about three of my ferrets escaping through a sliding
door nobody knew was open.  One was returned 24 hours later.  The other two
are still missing and I am heartbroken!
Here's what I did/have done:
Keep looking outside.  Get a loud squeaky toy and a container of food that
you can shake.  Walk all over your neighborhood calling and making a racket!
I have done this several times a day, every day.
Talk to everybody you see, especially joggers, walkers, dog-walkers.  A dog
walker told me her dog was unusually freaked out at a certain corner --
later it turned out to be right where Megabyte was found.
I made 100 flyers -- LOST FERRETS -- describing them and offering a reward.
I put them in EVERY mailbox for three blocks around.  And on telephone poles
and trees.  We got Megabyte back because a guy had the flyer in his mailbox
and saw "something funny" in his garage.  He said if it wasn't for the flyer
he would have thought it was just a squirrel or something.  Put the flyer in
pet stores, grocery stores, near schools.  Kids are great searchers and they
talk a lot.
Put an ad in the paper, offering a reward.
Put a pet taxi with a stinky ferret blanket outside near where she escaped.
Put lots of food out.  I've been told ferrets can survive the cold -- but
they need food.
Call EVERY shelter, rescue, pound, wildlife center, animal control officer.
Call the police in your town and neighboring towns.  Lots of people don't
know what ferrets are and if they think there's a weasel or fox or something
under their porch they might call cops.  Call every vet.  Put the flyer in
every vet office.
Consider buying/renting a "Have-A-Heart" trap.  I tried it -- it didn't work
for me -- but other FMLers said it DID work for them.  Put lots of food and
bedding in there.
Watch the paper for "ferret for sale."  It could be YOUR ferret!!!
Keep walking around with your squeaker.  Keep hoping!  I will hope FOR you!
Good luck!
[Posted in FML issue 2205]