Dear Lynn:
>I just want to say that if I've been disrespectful in any way in my messages
>to you about adrenal disease, I apologize.  Someone wrote to me today about
>my posts to you that "several of (my) statements went far outside the bounds
>of professional discourse."
There was never any offense taken, or disrespect noted.  We have been
friends for years, and an online discussion isn't going to change that.
While email is a terrific medium, the lack of emotional cues associated with
trying to translate a discourse of two opposing viewpoints into electronic
form will always be a difficult proposition at best, and if only one of
almost 3000 people thought that it went a bit far, then we're doing very
well.  Imagine having all of your discussions overheard by 3000 people!
As far as the Lupron discussion over the last few days, let me reiterate
that veterinary medicine is not a black and white science, and with each
passing day, and with each new advance, several levela of gray are added to
the mix.  A difference in medical opinion is a good thing, whether it is
between vets or between vets and owners.  Lynn has brought this discussion
to the forefront, and in discussing the potential for a new type of therapy,
we have been able to touch on many different aspects of this condition.  I
had to do a lot of research on Lupron before I even ventured forth with my
findings, and Lynn has done well as a proxy for Dr. Delaney, whose therapy
it is.  I realize that it is not easy for Lynn to answer my questions for
Dr. Delaney, and I support and admire her efforts in this regard.  I am
hopeful that one day I may be able to further investigate this matter with
Dr. Delaney directly, either on or off of the FML, and we can bring this
discussion to a close.
To Mike and BIG, and all of the others who "welcomed" me back to the FML, I
just want to say that I never have left.  Due to my recent change in jobs,
and the ever-increasing amount of email I answer off of the FML, I've just
been lurking for a while.  I thought it was important to speak up on Lupron,
so I stuck my head up.  Dr. Dutton, Dr. Purcell, Dr. Kemmerer and all of the
other vets who have been interacting with the list over the last several
months have been doing a tremendous job, and the FML has been very lucky to
have such a talented medical cadre to answer the toughest medical questions.
Right now I am concentrating most of my efforts not on veterinary medicine,
but the incorporation of new technology into telemedicine, enabling more and
faster diagnosis of disease through the use of computers and the Internet.
It's a fascinating field, and one that will have a global impact on medicine
as we head into the 20th century.  But I'm still around....always with one
eye on the FML.
Best regards,
Bruce Williams
[Posted in FML issue 2216]