i am so ashamed, i have subscribed to this list for the past two years, and
have yet to introduce myself...so here goes.
my name is jodi, i live with my boyfriend and we have 10 ferrets...yes ten!
here's a quick description and then i'll get on with why i'm writing...
saben...2 years old.  she's our tanker girl...she's a dark sable and this
winter she really put on the weight...she is the sweetest girl ever, she
loves getting her picture taken and will pose so cute...strange for a
loki...he's my baby...extremely neuotic, but very loveable.  he fakes being
sick just to get attention.  wishes that he was an only ferret...i carry him
around with me in a pouch.  he's 2 years old and a chocolate.
pasha...she's loki's sister...very very timid.  she has a real problem with
men for some reason...but she's getting better, she doesn't bite, just won't
come out of hiding...but she's very sweet...does a strange thing, everytime
she gets nervous, she runs to the food bowl and stashes some food...ha.
she's a champagne.
then there's miss caira...she's almost 2 and a chocolate...she is quite the
character.  she holds a grudge longer than any other ferret.  if she is mad
and you try to kiss her all you get is the paw in your face...it's cute.
but she is by far the most loving ferret, on her terms of course.
vandal...1.5 years, champagne.  he is a daddy's boy, couldn't care less
about me..but he's sweet.  he loves his treats, whenever we bring out the
bottle he just starts shaking he gets so excited.
miko...1.5 years...sable mitt...he is really a mama's boy also...he is the
most laid back ferret.  you could do anything to him and he won't care...
doesn't even get upset about baths, just sits there...he's really a good
baby, also an obsessive sock stealer...
simba, miko's brother...dark sable...he has an underbite so one of his
canine's sticks out over his upper lip, it's too cute.  he is the biggest
spaz of all of them...gets so excited doing the war dance that he runs into
walls...famous for fighting the invisible ferrets around him.
sebastian, aka baby...1 year silver mitt...this is the biggest brat ferret
you've ever known...he's evil...but also the sweetest ever.  total split
personality...anytime something falls or you hear a loud noise, you know
he's in the middle of it.  i really have a special bond with him...
rikkitikkitavi...almost 3 years, siamese...he was a rescue...used to be a
research ferret and was quite terrified when we adopted him...he's now been
with us for almost a year and is the most loving ferret ever...he plays now
just like the rest...
weasel...chocalate..2 years...he was found in a dumpster here in town...sad
story.  he has been with us for almost a year and is just starting to act
normal...he was really traumatised, he now does the war dance though and
gives kisses like you wouldn't believe.
wow, sorry about the length...
my reason for posting is to announce that on feb.  15, the new mexico ferret
rescue and shelter will be at the nm pet and vet on montgomery...from 12-4.
we want anyone in the area to come, even bring your ferrets...we are setting
up a table and answering questions... we could use all of the help we could
get...please come!  email me personally if you have further questions...
jodi and the 10 fuzzbutts!
[Posted in FML issue 2212]