Hello Fellow Fuzzy Lovers!
I want to thank everyone who wrote about Cuddles' fleas.  Each idea was
helpful, and now, not ONE bugger is in sight! :) Thanks!
I saw this funny list on a fuzzy website, and added onto it.  let me know
what you think!:
                        THE FERRET CHECKLIST
1.  If I like it, it's mine
2.  If it's in my paw, it's mine
3.  If I can take it from you, it's mine
4.  If I had it a short while ago, it's mine
5.  If it's mine, it should never appear to be yours in any way
6.  If it looks like its mine, it's mine
7.  If I saw it first, it's mine
8.  If you are playing with something and put it down, it automatically
    becomes mine.
9.  If it's broken, it's yours, when it's fixed, it's mine
10. If I can drag it under the couch, it's mine
11. If it's food, it's mine
12. If it's in my mouth, it's mine
13. If it's out of your reach, it's mine
14. If it's yours, it's mine
I have one other question: Can ferrets get any colds from humans?
Thanks a lot for your input!  Have you hugged your ferrets today?
                        Adrianne, and Cuddles (her owner) :)
***CONCIOUSNESS: That annoying time between naps. :)
[Posted in FML issue 2205]