About a week ago I noticed a red circular sore on my ferrets shoulder...it
had a "bite-mark" in the center--when we noticed it she had just finished
eating a wasp so we figured she attacked it (she has a love for flys!) and
it stung her before whe had a chance to kill it--it didn't seem to bother
her and went away in 2 days...well--about 2 days ago I noticed it was
back...in the eact same spot--so the next morning I called the vet and got
an appt for today, but by this morning it was gone again...unfortunately I
had to work late today so I had to cancel the appt.  I have one scheduled
for next Wednesday...but I was wondering if anyone has seen this or heard of
it before and what could be causing it...she also has some possible adrenal
symptoms...some hair loss at the base of her tail...no other symptoms of
palpable swelling though--so we are holding on surgery...I don't know if
this could be related at all??
Thanx in advance for any info!!
BTW--anyone know of a good vet in northern MI??
[Posted in FML issue 2209]