Well, Brit has been fully accepted by Rosa, is hit-and-miss on the litter
box, but always goes near it when in the cage, and has learned to not bite
hard at all most of the time.  In fact, unless she gets *really* riled in
play, she's very gentle in her mouthiness usually...a far cry from what I
would have guess at the store!
She's very tiny, and her adult teeth are not very far in, but she's bright,
energetic and absolutely voracious (sp?)!  she found a cookie of mine and
was *mad* when I tried to get it back, hissed, barked, lunged at me,
everything *L*
I discovered tonight that I can get her to come to the sound of a bell, (and
then watched her try to drag off the tube of Ferretvite that's bigger than
she is).
I already want another!  Gotta love that ferret math;) I do think that it's
very young for a kit to be not only taken from their mom but to be "fixed"
and all too.  I feel it would be better, definately to give them a few more
weeks, and to wait until maturity or at least near-maturity to spay/neuter.
But, I would rather, if they're going to be available in pet stores, see the
companies take the responsibility of spay/neutering actually, given that so
many people wouldn't after they bought one, and that would result in so many
more problems.
It's great to have people to share my excitement with *g*
Sue, Rosa, Rocky & Brit "it's MINE!"
[Posted in FML issue 2208]