We have 7 ferrets.  One of our first ferrets hated all new additions.  And
with each new addition, the breaking in period took longer.
When we added our 7th, he was a non-descented male.  Everyone else is
descented.  Well only 2 of the 6 liked him.  The other 4 wanted him dead.
And our little blind albino has a fierce bite anyway, breaking skin.  She
relentlessly attacked him for about 3 weeks.  He had little puncture marks
all over his neck for weeks from her biting and dragging.
Don't scold Buster more than you need to - it will only prolong things.
They need to get this out of their systsem before they will bond.  Rosco
will hold his own.  He has to get fed up enough with Buster and fight back.
Once he does that, things will calm quite a bit.  As soon as our 7th one
started fighting back, it turned to play in no time.
The more you keep them apart, the longer it will take for this to pass.  Let
them out together every day and let what happens, happen.
I'd stay away from the bitter apple now - if he's got sores on his neck, it
will be very painful for him to have that squirted on him.
You can try putting something GOOD on his neck, like petromalt, or
ferrettone.  Wont sting, and might encourage something other than biting the
- Mish
Desktop Support Consultant
Carnegie Mellon -  Computing Services
[Posted in FML issue 2208]