You know your addicted to ferrets when you buy a new extended cab pick- up
just so they can have their own seat.
I would also like to comment on a couple of things I have been reading
about.  First-I believe that several dates for the national ferret day
should be listed and then a vote taken, anyone interested can vote and the
most popular day would then be named.  I think this is the only fair way.
Personally I am in favor of Kodo's DOD.
Second-about desecenting, I am in favor of having this done, mainly because
in running a rescue I have seen what can happen to some of these little
critters if it is not.  Another reason is odor.  I don't care what has been
said about odor.  If you have a cage of undesented and a cage of desented
ferrets the undesented cage will have to be cleaned and the bedding washed
twice as often in oreder to keep the odor at the sam level as the cage with
the desented ferrets.  This is just MY OPINION, everyone is entitled to
their own.
Jim Higgins, [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2208]