Welcome.  We shall learn more of ferret-human tissue rendering, as I have
come to learn about it.
Just for a moment, however, let me speak of this strange, but perhaps
related behavior that ineptide and good fortune delt me.
A ferret kit, as I remember, about 4 weeks old, managed to wriggle its way
out of secure confinement (I thought it was secure) and fell some 3 feet
onto a concrete floor.  This happened while I was asleep upstairs and
At morning quarters (old Navy slang for being "present and accounted for") I
was shocked to find one kit missing (AWOL) out of the litter and a thorough
search of the nesting-birthing box revealed no tell-tale body part residues
that would indicate maternal cannabilism.  Unexplained disappearance - gone
without a trace.
Late that afternoon, whilst doing cage cleaning chores at the fartherest
point possible from the mother ferret's cage, kit whimpering was heard
eminating from the bottom of a high-sided cardboard box.  This box was a
collector box for dirty ferret nesting rags.  Inside the box were two
ferrets: the AWOL kit and my biggest, scruffy, intact male ferret.  The male
ferret lay "C" form with the kit warmly tucked unto GRAUNK-ichi's prodigous
belly and apparently not satiated by sucking GRAUNK-ichi's prepuce, or so it
appeared.  A Lewinsky ferret?
This retrieval and attempted nurturing of a strange little creature by a
big, burly and scruffy male ferret engendered in me an awsome feeling of
respect for the species, because, for some reason, I'd expected the worst:
that the adult male would have ignored the helpless, cold kit, or even
worse, would have devoured it.  Yet, what had happened was that the male
mouthed the kit and carried it to a warm, soft place (climbed up, over, and
into an 18-inch high-walled cardboard box) and remained with that kit until
I found them.
One could say, without too much fear of criticism, that this behavior on the
part of hob GRAUNK-ichi, was instinctive and protective behavior.  Would
women anthropomorphize this as proof of ferret "love?"  Probably, since
that's the way women are, bless 'em.
I cite this experience because it is indicative of a facet of ferret
behavior perhaps unrealized by most of us, especially me.  Could such
instinctive (?) behavior be related to ferret bitings?  Think about it,
because I wish to portray another incident that is suggestive of perhaps
explaining ferret-human tissue rendering, not as an act of aggression, but
strangely enough, a manifestation of mat-paternal instinct.  Mat-paternal =
Kommst du "Liebschen" mir mitt, weil ich Dir "lieben." [G] Come my "Love"
with me, 'cause I "love" you.
[Posted in FML issue 2231]