Hi Again ;o)
We decided to put this into a posting of it's own, stead of in da other!
Just briefly, we understand that rabies is not commonly seen in the rodent
family, including squirrels, mice, and rats.  If this is the case, and if
as some suggested it is suspected that rats inflicted the bites, then it is
less likely that rabies would be involved.  In that the "true" origin of
the bites is in fact 'unknown', and the possibility existing some 'other'
creature 'might' have been involved, it would be a prudent and proper
protocol to treat the baby for rabies regardless.  While we don't know what
other creatures are known to frequent that neck of the woods, we do know
that both racoons and bats are often carriers of the virus, and that
encounters with rabid animals can and do often include vicious unprovoked
attacks, but they can also be subtle or stealthy in nature, as is often the
case with rabid bat encounters.  Often victims either don't recall or
barely recall having any contact with a bat prior to the onset of symptoms,
some cases a 'culprit' is only identified or confirmed by microscopic
examination after the victim has died.  Jus FYI.
As well we noticed that it was stated in another post, that authorities
were in fact using the means of 'measurement' in determining possibility of
bite origin, as there was reference made to the 'incisor sizing'??  If
however, as Bob C pointed out, this is an inappropriate or inaccurate means
of determination it would seem that they 'need' to be educated to the
facts.  We wonder, if perhaps they would except such 'educating' if the
same were offered 'officially' by one who is both knowledgeable and
respected in the field, say someone like, Bob Church??  The post he made
certainly served to educate us as regards bite determination!  Perhaps it
has already been done, but if not, then maybe it could be done?  And not
only in the case of the authorities, but also as concerns the media, am
wondering if Bob could, or perhaps even already has, written an article
which could be distributed, which contains the correct pertinent info?
Something similar to the wonderful posting that appeared here for us and
which as noted, we believe did an excellant job of presenting the facts.
Anyways, is just some thoughts which passed by our minds today.
Our prayer for God's Grace and Mercy for you all as always.
Ferris "I want that fert ta tells me how ta gits in'n'outta da cage!"
and his mom
Deba Brezden
[Posted in FML issue 2230]