>From:    Bruce Williams <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: ECE research
>I keep a picture of one of these animals on my wall in my office as a
>memorial to their sacrifice and a reminder of a difficult period in my
Dear Dr Williams,
I want to commend your courage and your candor.  Your reflections and
concerns mirror that of many faced with the paradox or dilemma those
involved in such proceedings face.  Perhaps, since this experiment was
performed for the direct benefit of these beautiful and loving creatures,
and the severity and morbidity of this affliction is so troubling, it may be
the most resolvable of conflicts.  I only wish the vast bulk of ferret/lab
use fell into such category.
I firmly believe with the exception of a very few individuals, while
believing, most are never entirely convinced nor entirely comfortable with
these proceedings, compelling one to consistently reexamine these events.
It presents an admirable side of human vulnerability and evolution, that
even filled with conviction, we continue to question our practices instead
of blindly, foolishly, or falsely pretending otherwise.  My personal
support, thoughts, and prayers are with you.  I know of no finer an
best wishes,
until next time,
[Posted in FML issue 2230]