I, too, have been quietly lurking for a while now gleening all the
information possible from previous and current FML's.  I recently adopted 2
fuzzies.  The only prior experience I have with ferrets is that my fiancee's
brother has one (which he's only had for a few months).  Anyway, I was
curious after reading a posting about tattoos.....do all fuzzies get
tattooed for identification or does it depend on the breeder?  Also, one of
my boys, Onyx, has a tattoo on the back of his right ear - 2 blue dots.  Is
anyone familiar with this particular tattoo?  Can he be identified in any
way by the tattoo?  Since Onyx and Borax (I'm a geologist in case you
wondered about the names) were given to me, I have no papers on them or
anything.  I dont know when they had previous shots or even how old they
are.  They were in horribly neglected condition when I took them in.  Now
they are members of our family and we want only the best for them.  Any
advice will be gladly accepted and greatly appreciated.  :)
Shelli at 'the open door for the abandoned and neglected' (as my family
[Posted in FML issue 2230]