Kat said:
>The guy looks at me and seriously remarks that his dad told him that
>ferrets will bite holes in the sides of dogs and cats and suck out all
>their blood.
You know, just for kicks I looked up ferrets in an old Encyclopedia
(probably 1960s or'70s version) and lo and behond besides a bunch of other
very bizarre things it said about ferrets, it stated that ferrets were known
to drain the blood of their prey.
Is that why Fidget won't leave the oranges alone?  Is he trying to work out
his vampyric fixations on the fruit?  Should I put garlic around my house?
Maybe invest in some tiny wooden stakes?  <G> Or just give in and get him a
nice black cape (made of nylon, he eats cotton) and a black toupe?
chris and Fidget (MY orange! and pear! And apple! Aw heck, just give me
all the fruit you've got!)
[Posted in FML issue 2229]