Gentle readers:
I think something needs be cleared up here before we all lose sight of what
probably really happened.
In the first place, it may very well be that the ferret was in the wrong
place at the right time and not even involved in the incident.
Now..if the fert WAS involved, what probably happened had nothing to do with
temperment, or having 'thousands of years of killer instinct'.  Infant was
between 2 stoned parents on couch.  Baby was doing what babies do..drool or
upchuck.  What do babies drool or upchuck?  Why...MILK!  Now...what
respectable ferret will turn down a lick or two of milk?  With no control to
say 'when' the ferret started licking and then started biting, to get a more
milk.  End result is a baby with multilple bites.  Again, there is a very
good possibility that the ferret was not even involved in this incident.
Let's not build this too far and say irresponsible things that we really
don't mean.  We have reports tonight of the ferret being a cuddle kid and
very sweet.  I don't know what really happened, any more than the rest of
us, but..knowing how my two fuzzies love milk, and what they will do to get
milk, I offer ~my~ suppositions...
Joe (MC, the REALLY rude one)
Garret:  Did some one say milk?
Snorkle:  Milk?  Wait until I finish playing in this cold, white
stuff..THIS is fun!
[Posted in FML issue 2228]