Hi Melinda, et.al.;
Well, here we go again!  I found Natures' fresh ( Nature's Fresh
litter=Golden cat co.  800-835-6369, 573-334-1588, In MO.  Dianne=rep.  ), a
wonderful compressed recycled paper litter as it does not have the chemical
smell yesterday's news has..  (i think the guy in Canada said it had sodium
aluminica silicate as deodorizer.  They acted like i was a spy when asking,
until i said it was a health concern.  Silicates I 'think' can cause lung
damage, being inorganic hard edged particles [think sandpaper], so that
alone was reason enough for me to reject the stuff when you think of ferts
snorkling in new litter.)
Petsmart used to carry it, and dispite a phone blitz went to Yesterday's
news as I think their profit is greater, as their chemical is added at the
factory in Canada, where the Natures' product is made in Canada, then
shipped to Mo.  where a citrus extract is added & the product bagged.
Petsmart used to special order, then stopped, then I got a call from another
corporate person who again ordered it.  ( PETSMART: Corp.  602-580-6100; Cat
litter buyer=Bobbie Hamilton= 587-2259; Special orders=Linda Poelns
587-2208,)..  A few of us here went together on 1/2 pallot of 20ez. 30 lb.
bags for about $11/bag.  They delivered it to the nearest Petsmart for
pickup.  I can't guarantee they'll do it ofrever but many of us found it the
best of all the brands and types out there.  It is very good for odor
control, absorbtion, no health hazzard, no tracking:)
So we did get a half pallet locally delivered, you might want to investigate
it yourself.  Good luck:)
 Gary & the gang of fur
Timmy's web site=<http://www.concentric.net/~Gferret/>; He's the ferret
totally healed from "terminal lymphoma" without drugs.:)
AOL instant messenger name= garyferret :)/ ICQ#4461104
[Posted in FML issue 2225]