A few days ago, I asked for some advice on how to find a lost ferret.
She apparently hasn't been found by anyone, and is still on the loose.  I've
noticed digging in my shrubs which was obviously done by a small animal.
And this digging didn't start until after Cujo disappeared.  Also, I have
her cage outside with a bowl full of food.  Yesterday I noticed some of the
food had been eaten.  And the cage is really not easy for something like a
rabbit to get into and out of.  And we have no squirrels in the
So, it looks like she's been back at least four times (three digging sites,
and one food disappearance).  My question now is, when would she normally be
out?  At night, or during the day?
Thanks in advance.
Greg Miller: Senior Consultant
[log in to unmask]    http://members.iglou.com/gmiller/
[Posted in FML issue 2225]