Hi'Ya Fertfolks! ;o)
Ferris, jus has ta share 'is pinion on deez'ear udder pinions {:o)
>From: Lee McKee - Subject: Vegetable Oil vs Petrolatum
>On Thu, 19 Feb 1998 Gary Holowicki wrote to the FML:>
Lee wrote:
>Seems to me that petrolatum(aka Vaseline, Petromalt, hairball remedy),
>which passes through the system pretty much unchanged, should be more
>reliable safer than vegetable oils.Even though it's a byproduct of oil
>refining, it's a stable and nonvolatile substance that is not absorbed
>by  the digestive tract.  And it has a longer shelf life than vegetable
>oils--safer in that it doesn't go rancid so quickly.
The Brezden Ferret Family Tree, of which Ferris is our youngest branch,
within a family of 17 individuals, and with the growth represented as a
period of 24 years time, rather than by any actual geaneology/bloodline, as
all individuals were 'adopted' into the Brezden Family by background.  Has
successfully utilized the product "Vaseline" for all our 'hairball', and
'minor blockage' needs.  We find it moves very gently, but forcefully
through the digestive tract, while both 'pushing'and'enveloping' matter as
it passes through,(vegetable oil does niether it only coats) and from
beginning to end, it remains in it's original form, a lump of jelly, and it
does so very quickly and effectively and causing no discomfort, or ill
effects, or residual tendencies/weakness.  All of our family members simply
adored the stuff, and eagerly lick it off of our mom's finger.  She
generally lets us have a daub,('bout the size of a marble), ebry 6-8 weeks,
'cept fer durin when furzz are sheddin and we git a bit at ebry 2 weeks so's
we don't git harballzz!  Some ferts don't like it like we do though, they
prefer to have it mixed with some kinda flavor.  For them there is fancy
vaseline stuffs, like Petramalt or others, which add some molasses to the
petroleum jelly.  Our mom says it costs more and it adds sugar so's we use
the plain old regular kind.  And it can be stored, in a clean airtight
container for years safely.  Though at our house, it would never stand a
chance of hangin 'round fer that long!
And mom want's to add . . .
>From:    Peggy
>Subject: Pet Store Ferrets
>I was glad to see Kymberlie Becker's post: getting a ferret from a pet
>store.  On a couple of occasions I had the feeling I was supposed to
>apologize for getting mine there.
We here are just glad you all found each other period!  However, peoples
come by adopting fert members into their families, we're happy that more and
more folks are every day, welcomin ferts into their hearts and homes and
discovering what wonderful creatures ferrets are.  As more homes are blessed
with the presence of ferts, their voice in our world begins to turn from a
whisper to where it is becoming more audible, changes are at last being
seen, research and investigation are taking place, and there is progressive
development finally occuring regards both the pathology and treatment of
ferrets and ongoing political issues surrounding them.  Ourselves, we hope
still, that someday their voice shall become a roar.  Or at the least, an
equal thunder to the dog and cat, which is by right.  An aspiration which
could only be fullfilled by ever increasing numbers.
It is perhaps worthy to note, that as it is accepted that there is good and
bad in absolutely everything, and so also is it seen concerning pet
relationships (ferret and otherwise) in humans, that there will exist a
certain pecentage of 'negative' incidents which will occur, and that the
percentage would naturally grow in proportion to the population growth.  If
one reads the current statistics for incidents involving cats/dogs, which
populous numbers are in the millions world wide, you will find the
percentage to range in the thousands per geographic dispersal/location.  If
ever should come the day, that the ferret's numbers are increased to that of
cats/dogs world wide, I am afraid my friends that inevitably it will mean,
the incidents of 'negative-human-interactions' will increase proportionately
just as it has for the others.  There's but one effective weapon against
abuse of any kind, and that is 'intervention & education' (and this is
especially true of abuses committed within govt.systems or corporations).
Just as all these other 'pet' species today battle with a diplorably high
rate of neglect/abuse, through means of education and research, promotion
and support, so too must ferret lovers become adept at wielding these same
You'll never eliminate the evil, but you can overcome the effects.
And have to pass along one for this one . . .
>From:Katherine Kuckens- Subject:You know you're addicted to ferrets...
>I have a new category for this.It's "the most ignorant question anyone
>ever asked you about ferrets."
Picture it, mom and Raz are sitting on a park-bench in Stanley Park, a big
park in Vancouver BC.  Now Raz, who has been busy runnin 'round that park
fer an hour already, is curled up asleep in mom's lap.  Along comes a
couple, who catching a glimpse of fur I guess, stop to look and ask, "What
is it?  Is it alive?"!!!  Mom's first thought was, "no I always sit around
with dead animals in my lap!?  Duh!  In hindsight, mom decided to give her
the benefit of doubt, and we opted to assume she'd perhaps only thought it
was some injured woodland creature or deceased pet's funeral.  On another
occasion, mom was with Ubu, and a lady stopped and asked her some questions,
after she went through the usual, what is it?  what does it eat?  routine,
she then inquired, "What are you going to do with it?" Do with it??!  Mom
explains Ubu is a 'pet', and the lady says "huh" and walks off.  Mom only
briefly considered the possibilities which she could have had in mind when
she asked the question.  Most being unpleasant.
Mom always talks to her friend Jesus 'bout ya all. Have a dooky day!
Ferris and his mom Deba
[Posted in FML issue 2224]