Hello everyone!!
As some of you probably know, I have a ferret with a adrenal tumor.  As a
result she has almost no more fur!!  Boy does she look cute in pink!!
Anyway the reason I am posting this is because she had started getting
really dry skin and she uses the cat's scratching post (made of real wood)
to scratch her back (she LOVES THIS!!) So, my poor little Thelma was getting
sore skin and I didn't really know what kind of cream to use (also my vet is
on holiday's this week and I don't know the other vet there).  So, I did a
little experimenting - the cocoa butter stick from the Body Shop.  Well, not
only does it work wonders (in only three days her skin was all back to nice
and soft except for one really bad spot but it is almost all better) but,
even better - she smells like chocolate!!!  Good enough to eat!!
I have been watching her closely since I started using this cream and there
are no effects.  She does not seem bothered at all when I put it on her, and
she doesn't try to rub it off or even lick it off.  So, I figured if she is
not doing anything out the ordinary to let me know that she doesn't like it
then it must be pretty good.
Thelma goes in for her surgery the first week of March.  Keep your fingers
crossed for this little fert because her sister Louise and I will
desperately miss her if something goes wrong.
Take care and give all your pets hugs and kisses,
Marion, Thelma, Louise, JD and Oscar
[Posted in FML issue 2224]