For those of you who are interested, I received a copy of a print ad today
that was recently placed in "Lab Animal" magazine.  The organization "People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" (PETA) is distributing this ad, and I
believe it may be of concern to ferret and beagle owners.
Portions of the ad follow:
"The Marshall Beagle - By tracking all important characteristics and genetic
information, and then weeding out any undesirable stock, Marshall Farms can
supply beagles ideal for research."
"The Marshall Ferret - These low-cost, easy-to-handle carnivores have proven
suitable for a broad range of pharmacological and physiological
investigations, including pulmonary, cardiovascular and toxicology studies.
Ferrets are less expensive to purchase and maintain.  Because they are
smaller, more can be housed in a given area, allowing a dramatic increase in
test data and sample size.  The Marshall Ferret offers your laboratory an
affordable alternative... ...Serving Research since 1939".
Because most ferrets at pet stores are purchased from Marshall Farms, please
take into consideration what organization will ultimately profit from the
sale of these store-bought ferrets.
If you have any questions or comments for Marshall Farms, here is how to
reach them:
R.D. 1, Box 91, North Rose, New York 14516
Phone: (315) 587-2295
Fax: (315) 587-2109
"Animals in Laboratories:
Unseen they suffer,
Unheard they cry,
In agony they linger,
In loneliness they die."
[Posted in FML issue 2222]