>From:    Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Oh Pity Maryland Ferret Folk
>Here is a good example of what could happen if citizens voluntarily
>registered their guns.  First registration, then licensing, and finally
We don't let our ferrets have guns.  I guess we are big brother as
well.  <grin>
>From:    "K. Smith" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Take the ferret challenge! Pop Quiz!
>his legs and tail are very light brown color.  Red eyes, pink nose, very
>light colored thin V-shaped mask, and the rest of him is a very light color
>champagne.  I'm under the impression that he is either (or both) a
>Champagne/Siamese, or are they the same?
The eye color is probably what we ferret folk call ruby.  If you look
carefully in the right light you'll see a blue iris with red showing
through.  An albino's red eye is ighter in appearance usually.
Siamese is another way to describe the point pattern.  Highly distinct
coloration on the legs, tail and mask (the "points") and light to white
Champagne color in ferrets is a dilution (partial albinsim of the chocolate
Sounds like your buddy is a champagne (cinnamon is another name for the
color with some small and controversial differences - ignore the
If you mean that the body is a different color than the legs then a
champagne point while if its the same color but with a lot of "white"
mixed in the champagne standard.
>From:    Anne Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: ferret sales/adoptions at shows
It is a shame that an intolerance is showing up again.  Many folks have
pointed out the geographical differences between East and West so we won't
reiterate.  There is also a bit of cultural difference between urban and
rural.  Selling one's animals is an aspect or farming.  But it is a shame
to see most of your post as a "we're better because you are thinking about
money" argument.  bill grew up in an agricultural area and now we again
live in one.  While it is true that money is involved in all aspects of
agriculture it is most certainly also involved in even the most pious of
ferret organizations.  In regards to farms its usually a lack of money.  We
don't know the situation with the Flemmings but we're guessing they are
more or less like the other breeders in Michigan.  A larger scale than ost
in the urban Mid-Atlantic but not anything close to a ranch like Marshall
or Path Valley.  LOS is a rather political organization and it uses this
sort of bashing of others too frequently.  The Flemmings breed ferrets and
sell them.  So what?  So does the president of LOS.  So does (or did) the
president of just about all the ferret organizations we can think of.  You
too have said you were planning on breeding (or have bred by now).
It is and it is not "just about money".  Breeders of animals do sell their
animals for a higher amount based on what happens at shows.  True of all
animals we are aware of (though we were corrected that sales of puppies at
dog shows is not the same as kits at ferret shows but offspring of champions
do bring in higher prices).  Comments emanating from members of LOS mirror
those from all other groups though not as openly.  We do not recall meeting
Amy or Derek nor have we had long email conversations with them.  But we
know you have no room for attacking their ethics.  A farmer's mentality is
not evil as you imply.  If it were not for ferret ranches then basically
none of us would have ferrets.
LOS shows are not like GLFA shows.  The Michigan shows are larger.  LOS
shows are gaining a reputation for light walk through traffic which
translates to less income for vendors be they breeders, shelters or
merchandise.  The GLFA shows have many people that did come just to get the
best ferret they could find.  We don't think we could inprove on how well
others have stated that.
>From:    Brandy Jean Ashmore <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Marshall Farm Ferrets
In our opinion those articles have been discredited...
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2221]