I looked at the pages that were supposed to be so BAD about Marshall
Farms..And its a bunch of Extremist Animal Rights BS..I never believe
anything the HSUS ever says since they are against ALL animal breeding or
even the keeping of cats and dogs..and often make up lies about breeders in
an attempt to force them out of business...
I often figure its just people that are jealous cause they can't make a
living with animal related businesses, thus they are out to make sure noone
else does either..Pity that, since it hurts the good breeders as well as the
ones people try to make out as bad.  The anti-breeder thing often gets out
of hand.  But I'm glad there are people that do still breed ferrets or there
wouldn't be any as pets and life would be a whole lot less interesting.
I've nothing at all against Marshall ferrets, since the 2nd ferret I had was
one and he was a perfect gentleman and the most sweet and gentle ferret I
ever knew.  As for research animals, I feel they are serving a noble purpose
and as long as their pain is kept to a minimum and the research is saving
human lives, then they should continue.  Besides, from what I understand,
the bloodlines raised for labs are DIFFERENT then the pet bloodlines, which
are raised for temperment...I've heard the lab bred stock is somewhat more
Not to mention that if Marshall quit breeding ferrets for labs, someone else
would breed them instead...At least they are being bred by a place that does
care enough about their proper diet, breeding for proper pet temperments and
such, since most the ferrets from there are big, healthy and with wonderful
temperments.  Someday, when CA legalizes the little buggers, I've already
offered to adopt one of Marshall's 'old breeders' for them, so it will take
the burden of an unproductive breeder off their hands..I'd love to even
start a rescue for placing old breeders from ferret breeders in new
homes...An old folks home for ferrets?  Hmmm....
[Posted in FML issue 2221]