>Has anyone noticed that ferrets bite?  Even the sweetest, if the
>circumstances present themselves, just cannot be trusted.
Ok; now ya got me fired up.  Your ferrets ALL bite?  Well, I'm sorry for
you.  But your claim that ALL ferrets bite is just as irresponsible as
saying that yours NEVER bite.  Flower is a 1 1/2 year-old MF sprite, and she
would not bite a human if her life depended on it.  When I travel with
Flower, I feel totally secure that she's the best little ambassador furkind
could have.  And when she meets new people, they don't get her butt pointed
at them, either.  What kind of message does that put out?  "Better just pet
her here, because you never know; she may bite!" When people are handed an
unfamiliar kitten, do they say, "Is he a biter?"  Of course not!  He's a
kitten!  And Flower's a ferret!  What the hell's a "biter"?  A new breed of
Don't you realize, getting the general public familiar with our little
buddies is the only way they can be educated?  Bob (Kodo) and Pat (Rocky)
were only doing the right thing, for the good of all the ferrets victimized
by unfair laws and public ignorance.  Sure, they died senselessly, but think
of where we'd be today if so much light hadn't been shed on the Kodo
situation, which would not have gotten the publicity if Bob hadn't brought
him out in public.  I commend everyone in California who had the courage to
stand up to the government on that day, and I refuse to criticize anyone
involved for the decisions they made.  Only by taking our fuzzies out and
sharing the joy of ferretdom can we, step-by-step, win over the rest of the
world; and that simply cannot be done by just showing pictures and telling
I guess I've just delurked
Michael (Bluejay) [log in to unmask]
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre
minds.    --  Albert Einstein
[Posted in FML issue 2187]