>Has anyone noticed that ferrets bite?  Even the sweetest, if the
>circumstances present themselves, just cannot be trusted.
I can *not* just stand by and take that!  My ferret has NEVER EVER bitten
anyone other than *mock* biting, he simply lays his teeth on you but never
even pinches!  My last ferret was exactly the same way, in all the time I
had her she never even left so much as a mark (ok, so drool is a kinda
"mark") My first ferret was never handled much and was given to me as an
old-timer, he did however bite.  I can't agree with the "all ferrets bite"
statment.  Maybe they should be put into better homes where they will be
handled and loved more than they get now.
Kathy and the non-biter Sosha
[Posted in FML issue 2187]