>Hello.  A couple of days ago, I posted a question regarding burnt whiskers
>and I received ONE reply (to whom I've thanked personally)...
Thank goodness it was not just me.  I too posted my first message asking for
help, and received only one response.  It was not helpful as many of the
ones I've seen here.  I was told, if I am worried, take her to the vet.
Duhh, I did the next day, but thought I could get help here in the mean
time.  I enjoy reading the FML and all the great stories about everyone's
babies, but ask for help again?  Probably not.
This is my second post here on FML, and my name is not one of 'popular'
ones, but maybe all you 'old timers' here need to remember, just because you
don't recognize the name, and it is a question that has been asked and
answered a dozen times before makes it no less important for the person
asking.  Often no matter how hard we try, after being someplace for a long
time, (even a mailing list) we put ourselves above others that have not been
there as long.  I don't expect great response to this, and what response I
get will probably be flames, but since I see I'm not the only one feeling
this way, maybe we should ALL take a look at how we treat others.
Melissa Thomas
[Moderator's note: Some people ask for help and are flooded with responses
yet others get little response.  I don't know why things happen that way,
they just do.  I'd be quite upset to learn you are flamed for asking a
question or for making such a statement.  In general, I feel the FML is
pretty supportive to newcomers.  After all, the FML exists to HELP!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 2186]