Oh, what fun it was to have ferret company Sunday afternoon.  My friend
Sherry called me Sunday morning and suggested that she bring her 3 ferrets
over to visit my 3 in the afternoon.  I thought, well...that sounds like
fun...six ferrets playing in the living room....but, says I, if six ferrets
playing in the living room sounds like fun...how about 8!!!  So...with that
thought in mind, I called my friend Carol who has 2 ferrets and a 10 year
old son, Joe, and the ferret fiasco was underway.  Everyone made plans to
arrive at 1:00 p.m. at my house.  We had ferret toys, a clear plastic dryer
tube for scurrying through, and 8 gorgeous ferrets, climbing, running,
jumping, chuckling, scampering.....we, the human crowd, were en masse,
moving with our darlings through the rooms, mummering..."oh! look at Oblio
and Bandit....where's the Wookie???...look out, here comes Glory and Chewy...
uh oh!  Rascal's got Trinie...No!  don't pick that one up, Joe...on and on
we moved together, laughing and admiring our beautiful babies like proud
parents of an only child.  The hour went by quickly, and some of our
darlings showed no sign of tiring, although we eventually settled in chairs
and on couches, still grinning, still so pleased with our little "gathering",
and of course, knowing all the time that OUR babies were the best babies
Since their return home Carol's Glory & Chewy get in their travel carrier
each time she takes them out of their cage and wait for her to take them
My sincere sympathy to Rocky's owner as well as all the other owners whose
ferrets have crossed over the rainbow bridge.
marylou matthews
[Posted in FML issue 2186]