In a recent post to the FML, Ms. Crandall accuses the IFNS of creating
"the illusion that ferrets are unprotected in many states where they are
protected..."; of resorting to "scare tactics..."; of trying to "start
people flaming at individuals who are becoming our allies in saving ferrets'
lives;" and of "laying..." (the blame) on her doorstep" for the low number
of states which to date have fully implemented the Compendium
Ms. Crandall is to be commended for the initiative she has taken to solicit
and disseminate compliance information from the authorities in the various
states.  It is unfortunate that she now apparently is claiming a monopoly
on the right to interpret the data which she has collected.  We have never
implied that Ms. Crandall is responsible for our own interpretation, much
less for the quality of the answers she received.
With all due respect to Pat Wright, if he had listened more to the wise
counsels of caution and less to the the self-serving pronouncements of
certain individuals who think they have an obligation to put the happiest
face possible on the compliance situation, Rocky might be alive today.  The
"ILLUSION" that "ferrets are unprotected"????
Contrary to the impression Ms. Crandall tried to give in her post, the IFNS
has not attempted to inflame the situation by calling on anyone to flame
state officials.  We do however think every ferret owner is fully justified
on insisting that officials in their jurisdiction "come clean" about what
the local compliance posture actually is.
The "factoids" cited by Ms. Crandall in her post, in an unsuccessful bid to
show that progress is greater than we have reported, speak for themselves:
Illinois, she reports, "according to an informal report has quarantine," and
"I have heard from ferret owners who have reported that Michigan and some
others have gone to quarantine..."
Sorry, but this is just the stuff of rumor, and ferret owners could make
tragic miscalculations if they rely upon it.  And that is why we are
treating the "weasel words" of state-level public health bureaucrats with
such extreme caution.
Those interested may compare state officials' pronouncements with *our*
interpretive comments on the Compendium Compliance Update page on the
Howard Davis
Editor, IFNS
[Posted in FML issue 2185]