I am a CA resident living in N.  Dakota (Prozac says...Thank You Uncle
Sam!).  I haven't been on this list long, just a few days, but after reading
about Rocky I am ashamed to call myself a CA.  resident!
I did have a thought however.  Maybe, just maybe, instead of jumping up and
down on the Governor and legislature, calling them names etc., we should
flood them, and the media (You may be saying 'But the media killed Rocky',
No..  one uniformed person did!), with cute pictures of our little fuzzes.
And include an innocuous statement like "how can anyone turn there back on
this"!  If you think this is a good idea, PLEASE refrain from using worlds
like 'Kill, Euthanize, Destroy etc." the idea here is to let love do the
work.  I don't know about you, but "Prozac" (my little fuzzy, and stress
reliever, therefor the name) is the best thing in my life.  (Maybe I need a
better life ;) It may not help, but as the saying goes 'It couldn't hurt!'
If anyone has any ideas what an out of state resident can do to 'liberalize'
(I never thought I say that) Ca.  please let me know!
Keep those carpet sharks under the carpet just a little longer.... we will
beat this..  and remember, you are not alone, we're all in this together!
Take good care
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[Posted in FML issue 2184]