We need to do something about Freedom For Ferrets!  I know about FA,etc.
but what about the people who live in "ferret-safe" zones?!  I was thinking
about making signs,BIG signs and put them in your yard on National Ferret
Day (day after Valentine's Day).  We need to talk to pet stores to have them
put up signs.  I'm just a "kid" so I don't know alot about this kind of
thing but what can several thousand letters to the White House do?  Or
several thousand letters to any Govener do?  I'm willing to help, does
anyone have any ideas or something I can do to help the fight for
legalization of ferrets?!
Thank you,
Drew Koehler
p.s. Please no "hate mail" to me for this message! :-(
[Posted in FML issue 2183]