Howdy from Eden & the guys,
Knock on wood first, but I'm happy to report that Lemke is recovering well
from his Insulinoma surgery, and scarfing down duck soup as fast as we're
willing to give it to him.  That's only once a day as a supplement to his
solid food diet, and you'd think we were murderers poor baby every time we
walk into the kitchen if he's awake he comes running hoping that he's going
to get a second batch of soup :->  It's such a joy to see him active and
happy again.  Now if only we could convinve him to take the Giardia
medicine... We tried everything, the last ditch attempt was to wrap this
little tiny 1/8th of a pill in catlax, put that inside a sliced raisin &
coat the raisin in ferretone, still no go!  He detests the stuff and whether
in liquid or tablet form he just won't take it.  We're letting it go for now
as the stress of having a pill forced down him is more than he's really up
for till he's a little stronger.
The interesting side effect of this surgery besides removing the insulinomas
of course is that Lem & Misha have both become bed cuddling weasels recently.
Neither of them would spend any real time in the bed before, excet to play
the blanket foofing game, but while Lem was recovering he spent a lot of
time curled up with Bill (a walking talking hot waterbottle) and got in the
habit of crawling up into the bed at night when he wanted to be held cause
he felt bad, and of course Misha followed since they like to sleep together,
so now I have two mink footwarmers on a fairly regular basis ;-> They even
curl up there when we're not home now.  It's lovely except that I have to
check the bed before I can flop now, and I never had to think about it
before.  Well worth the price for extra weasel cuddles though :->
I want to thank all the kind folks from the FML who've sent me
suggestions/advice/kind thoughts during Lem's illness, we really appreciate
it, and thanks BIG for proving this list so that I could get all this great
help and Pam for the FAQs that made me able to speak knowledgably with my
vet about how to handle this serious illness.
With all your help this looks like it really will be a happy new year for us.
Eden and her 3 guys: Misha, Lemke & Bill (the human one)
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[Posted in FML issue 2182]