Is there a way we can cross-reference from the medicine chest directly to
those sections of the FAQ?  This way, folks would see more information about
particular symptoms, etc., and possible causes.  Also, by referring people
to the FAQ, we introduce them to its general usefulness.
-Sounds like an excellent idea.  I would appreciate it if you would look
 into how to do that and get back to me with the info @ [log in to unmask]
Could we find a veterinarian who would be willing to act as a moderator of
the Medicine Cabinet, to review the remedies and dosages, etc., to make sure
nothing harmful gets listed?  Flip side of this coin might be a list of
things NOT to give your ferret under any circumstances, that a vet could
-I have one who will look at the post for me before I mail it out, and she
has already offered some suggestions to include on the NOT list, but further
contributuions to both the DO and the DON'T ideas are welcome.  I would
appreciate your suggestions for alternate vets.  (Maybe yours will help, if
you ask them?) :)
We should probably issue a clear reminder on the very first page of the
Cabinet, to reiterate to ferret parents that the Cabinet is not meant to
substitute for direct examination and treatment by a qualified veterinarian,
and that if they're in the slightest doubt, or if the condition is acute,
they should not attempt home remedies, but rather they should immediately
take their furchild to a veterinarian.
-If you would like to write up a foreword for me, I will be happy to look at
What about things other than meds?  Can the Chest list or describe some
forms of ferret first aid, or give reference to pertinent sections of the
FAQ or other resources regarding ferret first aid?  This way, people can
read about how they might resuscitate a ferret, or work with an injured
-Whatever you, or other ferret lovers contribute will be considered.  You
might want to ask your vet, or other experts you have access to if they will
submit info, or let you interview them so you can write something up on the
topic.  :)
If the Chest works out well, let's consider publishing it in book form for
the benefit of those who do not have access to the 'net.
- I'd love to.  Can you help with the specifics of 'how to publish'?  If you
can send me a list of what needs to be done, and what you are willing to do,
I can put out the list and see who will volunteer for the other duties....
And that's my $0.02 worth!
-- Jan Fleury
Thanks, Jan, for your suggestion (and offers of help?), worth much more
than $.02. :D
[Posted in FML issue 2182]