Remember that states differ in how changes are made to their quarantine
policies or laws.  Some states BY THEIR OWN PROCEDURAL LAWS have longer and
more complicated ways to deal with these things.  This is the case in
Louisiana compared to a state such as New Jersey, but these folks are STILL
on our side for replacing death with quarantine, so, please, remember to
send a "thank you" note to Dr. McFarland if you are in Louisiana.
Maybe 50 people so far have requested photostats or faxes.  Please,
remember that Steve and I have neither a fax machine nor a photocopying
one.  That's why I give ways for you to contact the departments in
question.  We are doing the letters, envelopes, return envelopes, postage,
photocopying for several ferret organizations and charitable funding
groups, resource acquisition, and follow-ups from our own pockets so the
investment involved, the lack of equipment, and time constraints all make
it impossible for us to honor individual requests for copies.  Sorry,
that's just a fact.
Louise McFarland, DrPH, State Epidemiologist, Epidemiology Section, Office
of Public Health, State of Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals,
P.O. Box 60630, New Orleans, Louisiana 70160-0630, fax 568-5006, phone
504/568-5005; excerpt:
"The Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health in
Louisiana, bases their Rabies Control Policies on the "Compendium of Animal
Rabies Control" provided by the National Association of State Public Health
Veterinarians.  The 1998 Compendium arrived this week and is recommending
that ferrets be included with dogs and cats regarding vaccination, removal
of strays, and post-exposure management of animals that bite humans.
Key members of the Office of Public Health (primarily the State Health
Office, State Epidemiologist and the Chief, Sanitation Services) are
responsible for revising the State Sanitary Code.  We are in the process of
revising/updating Chapter III, "Control of Rabies."  The updated version
should include language similar to the 1998 Compendium.  Changes in the
State Sanitary Code mustbe promulgated according to rules and regulations
of the Administrative Procedures Act (R.S. 49:968).  It is expected that
the rule should be finalized by July, 1998."
[Posted in FML issue 2182]