Hi Everyone,
I know it has been some time since I posted requesting information on
Fibrolipoma, which my Flaggy has.  Well, I decided not to do the surgery on
him.  I had Dr. William's do a pathology report on him and he did not
recommend another surgery.  So, with some input from some very wonderful
shelter moms (you all know who you are) I now have Flaggy on Essiac twice a
day along with Red Clover and Woozle Goo.  I have added more Vit C and a
preventive nutrition call resistance.  It also helps build up the immune
system.  It took alot of soul searching to decide what to do for my baby,
but I was depending heavily on what Dr. William's had to say.
You would never know anything is wrong with Flagstone, with the exception of
his shaved side.  He plays, runs, eat, drinks and sleeps like a normal 4.5#
2 year old.  I seem to make sure everyone is easier with him but he is
pretty sturdy.  I am going to take him in at the end of this month for an
x-ray.  It will have been 2 months since since surgery and I want to know
how the tumor is doing.  I am in sincere hopes that it is the same size or
smaller.  Just not bigger.  I know alot of you know what it is to make a
decision like this one, and it is something that you have to live with.  I
just pray that I made the right one for him and for me.
I will keep you all uptodate on his progress as things happen.
Now for the one more thing:
I live in Northern CA and would like to start a ferret club.  I live in the
outer part of the east bay, Contra Costa County close to the San Joaquin
border.  If anyone is interested in starting a club in the Brentwood,
Oakley, Antioch, Bryon areas, or any where else you may live, please contact
me personally.  We will need input from other clubs on how to get started,
but I think this is a good way to have support when your kids are ill or you
are going through some rough times and then also joining together people
that love their little ones like I do and brag about them.  Of course, mine
are the cutest. :)
Again, thank you all who wrote with prayers, suggestions, and friendly
advise.  It was all very much appreciated.
May all of you and your fuzzies have a wonderful, healthy, happy, and
war dancing 1998.
Linda and the 11 CA lawbreakers
(Flagstone - Mommy, I look funny with no fur on my side.  Yes,
sweetie, but you are still beautiful to me.
[Posted in FML issue 2181]