The Virtual Medicine Chest for the fuzzies sounds like a wonderful idea!
Some additional thoughts:
It seems to me that some of the suggested treatments and home remedies,
etc., might also be found in pertinent sections of the Ferret FAQ.  Is there
a way we can cross-reference from the medicine chest directly to those
sections of the FAQ?  This way, folks would see more information about
particular symptoms, etc., and possible causes.  Also, by referring people
to the FAQ, we introduce them to its general usefulness.
Since we'll be collecting information informally from ferret owners who have
perhaps tried different remedies, etc., there may be some contraindications
that we as laypeople might be unaware of, etc..  Could we find a
veterinarian who would be willing to act as a moderator of the Medicine
Cabinet, to review the remedies and dosages, etc., to make sure nothing
harmful gets listed?  Flip side of this coin might be a list of things NOT
to give your ferret under any circumstances, that a vet could list.  That
way, if a ferret owner is desperate, or hears or thinks of something they
might try, they could at least have somewhere to look to see if it's on this
list of things that would be harmful to try.
We should probably issue a clear reminder on the very first page of the
Cabinet, to reiterate to ferret parents that the Cabinet is not meant to
substitute for direct examination and treatment by a qualified veterinarian,
and that if they're in the slightest doubt, or if the condition is acute,
they should not attempt home remedies, but rather they should immediately
take their furchild to a veterinarian.
What about things other than meds?  Can the Chest list or describe some
forms of ferret first aid, or give reference to pertinent sections of the
FAQ or other resources regarding ferret first aid?  This way, people can
read about how they might resuscitate a ferret, or work with an injured
If the Chest works out well, let's consider publishing it in book form for
the benefit of those who do not have access to the 'net.
And that's my $0.02 worth!
-- Jan Fleury
(Here in Florida Exile, missing my husband and my five little fuzzinkies:
FitchWilliam the Large and Warm, Jessica the Pink and White Delicate Flower,
Rikki the Handsome, Winona (the Perfect Ferret -- ala the Saturdaynightlive
'Perfect Cheer'), and Rowena the Wee Mouseface of the Littledarkmask.)
[Posted in FML issue 2181]