Hello friends,
With eager anticipation, I headed south on Wednesday to meet Barbara Ludt
and Zeus.  It was a real treat to see Barbara again.  Most of you don't know
her since she's not on the internet but I don't know anyone that quietly
does more for ferrets and other animals than Barbara.  A truly wonderful
Altho I had seen his picture on So. Florida's Ferret Club & Rescue web site,
I was totally unprepared for the actual size of him.  And he's not even one
of the bigger ones I'm told.  He's absolutely huge!  His neck is wider than
my hand!!
Over coffee, Barbara shared some gorgeous pictures of some of the other
Arcadia ferrets and they are all just beautiful.  After our quick visit, and
Barbara taking a picture of us (hope the tentative kiss from him got in)
Zeus and I headed home.  About 10 miles out, he decided to try out the
hammock but not again since then.  He and the others were used to bare wire
but he does love his "donut" bed, when he can figure out how to climb the
ramp.  Mostly he just falls off!  Must be the fat butt!
Later in the evening I put Zeus out in a small room for some exercise.  I
sat on the floor with him with a little wariness being unsure of what he may
do and how he may respond, thinking Boy!  if those teeth sink into me, he'll
tear me up.  Of course he had to investigate the whole room a couple of
times before showing interest in anything else.  Then I offered him some
Nutrical as he was climbing into my lap.  He lay there for at least 20
minutes and probably would have stayed longer if I hadn't had to get up.
But, I think I've created a monster!  He saw where I put the Nutrical tube
and he's not forgotten!  Each time we're in there now, he starts digging at
my legs, my chest, climbing on my back, trying to reach the shelf where the
Nutrical is then back to climbing on me, demanding Nutrical!!  He has not
tried to bite at all and loves to have his head and belly rubbed.
Unfortunately, I did find 7 or 8 scabs on his shoulders where another ferret
had been attacking him while he was being fostered elsewhere and now he's
afraid of other ferrets.  I hope with a couple of weeks of very quiet time
and he's bonded with just me, he will accept some of my other group and not
be afraid.  It's only been a few weeks that he's had human companionship and
all these guys seem to be responding rapidly to tlc.
It's so rewarding to know this group is healthy and in excellent condition.
We certainly had a bad year for our fuzzies in 1997 and I sincerely hope the
Ontario ferrets adjust and adapt as quickly.
Zeus is just a big teddy bear and a very gentle giant.  He's already giving
me kisses on the arms and hands but his size is pretty intimidating so I'm
keeping him away from my face for awhile even tho he did get a quick kiss in
yesterday.  I'm keeping him in a cage in my computer room where I can keep a
close eye on him and talk to him frequently.  He likes that!  He's just
incredible with his size and I adore him already!  He's also exceptionally
smart!  You can just see the thoughts twirling in his head.  He also likes
to dunk his Cheweasel in his water bowl then rattles the cage for me to take
it out.  He doesn't want to get his face wet!  Silly boy!
Thank you Barbara for allowing me to adopt him!  If some of you are
ready for a new addition, I definitely recommend one of the Arcadia
guys.  But be ready for a challenge, hehe.
[Posted in FML issue 2181]