Slinkability here -
Karen Daigneault wrote:
>If not for Colours, I would not have found the FML, I would not have had
>the pleasure of meeting all the wonderful people I've met, I would not have
>the knowledge I do of fuzzies in the sense that I do....
Most importantly, you would've NEVER met *ME*....
Oh yeah, The Boss, too...but she's a mere technicality...
>Anyway, the point of all of this is that I am looking to adopt a DEW.  I
>don't normally like to show a preference as far as *what* I'm adopting in
>the fuzzie world.  When one needs a home, they need a home, what difference
>does it make "who" they are?
Absolutely none - if you'd wanted a brunette baby, would've you traded in
your daughter when she was born because she was a blonde?  I think not.
Just as Spags is NOT the world's most handsome ferret (that's ME), but TB
wouldn't give him up for a Best-In-Show champagne (her dream color)...
>Robbie, who accompanies me just about everywhere) purchased for me by
>Slinky at the Frederick show
Actually, TB wrote out the check, but it was MY mind controlling her hands -
not that she was exactly fighting all that much.  Being a TeleFerret, I knew
Robbie and Karen were predestined to be together so I'd been Communing with
Robbie for weeks before the show to properly prep her for taking charge of
Karen's heart (and her other fuzzies).  Robbie was a QUICK learner if
somewhat snotty and haughty (somewhat?  HA!) about being taught by a mere
male (**grumble**) and as soon as she laid eyes on Karen the first time that
one visited her cage, she KNEW even before I told her who it was.  Then she
went right to work, enticed Karen back to her cage two or three more times
and then when karen was outside, talking with Kymmie Becker (who was NOT in
on this, by tbe way), The Boss and I made our move.  A check was quickly
dashed off and slung at the guy behind the table who went to find Robbie's
(ex) owner...and later on TB found Karen and Kymmie, handed Robbie to Karen
and said,"This one's for YOU," and Karen just stood there, mouth agape,
speechless (for once).
It was a GOOOOD feeling...
You see, I *KNEW* Karen needed Robbie and Robbie needed Karen...just as I
Knew TB and I needed each other which was why I ran into her (ex)
boyfriend's house that fateful day almost a year ago...which is how I
eventually ended up with her.  Her ferrets are Karen's laughter - I'm The
Boss's Sanity...and each subsequent Rugrat an addendum to the
original...(and I'm DEFINITELY an original...)
>Well, Robbie is my beloved snotdrop.  And altho since she's been here (two
>weeks, Laurie, or three?)
Would you believe almost FOUR?
>As I said, she has gotten at least, in just this short time 75 percent
>better with the nipping.
My dear, she's merely been testing you.  She needs to know just how safe
with you she really is.  I've told her all along that she couldn't have a
better fert mommy (unless it might be Kymmie and then that's not better - I
mean, both are THE BEST)...
But, of course, no one listens to me....the TeleFerret who's more or less
(Spaggy and I will tell you about our new brother and sister in another
A Merry, Marvelous, Majestic, Modest Moondancer
Dogs and cats, no doubt, are cool,
But s/he who loves ferts is no one's fool,
So face it, humans - FERRETS RULE!
[Posted in FML issue 2180]