NEW ZEALAND information was recently appreciated because I plan to visit a
local group next month with my ferrets and expect to be questioned about
feral ferrets.  If there's more information available, please send it.
TRAVELING long distances with ferrets can be OK.  Last summer my husband and
I took four from Florida to New York in two cages side by side on the back
seat and they slept most of the way.  A 24"x12"x12" wire cage accommodates a
litter pan, hammock, towel, side dish, and side water bottle.  Make sure the
wire cage bottom is secure and can't be pushed out for escape and don't open
the cage in the car.  Ferrets free in the car is a dangerous situation for
all.  A metallic, reflecting window shield on top of the cage reflects the
hot sunlight well and the car's A/C should always be on if it's hot, of
course.  Treats given through the cage help combat boredom.  Use motels you
can enter directly into your room from the outside, not through the lobby.
Make sure there are no escape holes in the heater/AC unit and watch the
ferrets constantly when they're free in the motel room.  Be prepared to have
to get them out from under the bed's box arrangement.  If you bring water
from home, they won't have to adjust to strange water.  Be sure you have
documents showing your ferrets are current on their vaccinations.
BORED ferrets remind me of human babies that need help playing.  You may be
able to stimulate more play between your ferrets by putting one of the toys
they hide in an old sheet, dragging it around, and getting both to ride the
sheet to capture the toy and take it back to the hidey hole.
PLASTIC DRAINAGE TUBES about 14' long and 5" in diameter from Home Depot are
cheap,lightweight, slightly flexible, worry free, and fun for ferrets to run
through.  Fannie will drag my husband's heavy sandals from the other side of
the house into the tube.  This gives her a challenge and the family room
looks unique, decorated with part of a drainage system.
[Posted in FML issue 2180]