Hello, all!
My ferret, Sam, is about to be accepted as the first "Therapy Ferret" at a
local Vets Hospital (Mental Health Outpatient Clinic).  I am in the process
of gathering information for the policy manual to have him approved.
Is anyone using ferrets for therapy?  Sam will be kept in my office, and
will become friends with many of the patients who visit.  Many veterans seem
to have ferrets of their own, and they like to hold and pat him.
I'd appreciate hearing from any veterans who own ferrets, and especially
what it is about them that makes them chosen pets compared to other animals
for those veterans.  I'd especially like to know if the veterans who choose
ferrets for pets have PTSD?  Obviously, I work with veterans who have PTSD,
and am looking at pet therapy, here, with ferrets.
Also, I remember reading an article a long time ago about why ferrets are
better pets than cats for people with HIV/AIDS.  There are lots of articles
about cats, but not about ferrets.  Now I can't find the article,and the
hospital is asking me to find the literature about this.  Is anyone aware of
articles?  I'd appreciate a lead.  There are many veterans with HIV who want
pets, but they must be careful what kind they choose.
Thanks so much,
[Posted in FML issue 2173]