The listing that Jan wrote hit really close to home.  This past Thanksgiving
my sister past away from a long fight with cancer.  She and her husband have
a farm in Fl that for over twenty years have taken in animals that were
sick, unwanted or picked up for animal abuse.  I have lived there a good
many years and worked the farm also.  After the animal population got to
costing well over $400 a week to feed, a dicision was made to open the farm
to the school children for day trips at $3.00 each.  Schools from all over
Central Florida booked over 100 children a day.  All the money went to care
and feed.
Now, since my sister is gone, we have talked about what to do with all the
animals.  There are no more tours, no more money to care for the animals.
Most of the animals are old and we hate to think of moving them to stange
places.  Some of the younger ones are being adopted by another farm that
gives tours near by but it is so hard after so long to have to think about
the rest of them.  What do you do?  These animals have the best of
everything and been cared for like family.  What do you do with the lifes
after a death?
Sorry to sound so sad just missing sis and thinking of all the sad animals
that miss her too.
I have my ferrets in my will!!!
Thanks for listening
[Posted in FML issue 2180]