Hi All!
I'm the other human half of the Fischer Zoo!  Deb.
I wanted to let everyone know the latest up-to-date (accurate) information
on the Fuzzies that are being seized by the London S.P.C.A.
First of all the person that is having these ferrets confiscated from him
had all sixty of them dumped on his doorstep.  He knows very little about
caring for them and was given the opportunity to find homes for or sell
them.  This is the Canadian law where he has to be given the opportunity to
dispose of them.  Not nice!  but there it is!
Anyway, he's found homes for approximately 31 of them.  He handed two young
(unaltered) chocolate sables over to the S.P.C.A.  and we are now proudly
owned by two more fuzzies.  Making that 5!  And to think I only wanted to
stay with my wee Chichlet, now our two year old BUDD, BUDD!
O.K., I know, get to the point and stop bragging about my fuzzies.
The balance of the ferrets at this man's home are being seized on Friday.
They will have to be vet checked (S.P.C.A.  rules) and then, given a clean
bill of health, will be offered for adoption.  Manfred and I can handle four
more with the cages we have, but the S.P.C.A.  has assured us that they are
willing to loan us cages as well.  My point here is that if there is anyone
on the FML that would/could adopt one, we would be willing to bring them to
our home and care for them until they could be picked up.  WE WILL NOT SHIP!
NO ferret shelters please!  We are quite capable of looking after the
fuzzies until they find loving homes, thanks anyway!
By the way, the two we picked up are quite the boys.  They haven't bit us
yet, they are probably under six months old, they have soft, shiny, lustrous
thick coats.  Teeth, gums, ears all look normal.  Feces looks normal and
they are going regularly.  None of them (as far as the S.P.C.A.  knows) are
altered (spayed, neutered or descented) in any way.  We will be having a few
calculated snips (neutering) to the new zoo members as soon as funds will
allow (not asking for help).
We've contacted some ferret lovers, from the Ferret Lover's Picnic that we
were at last fall and they are going to see what they can do as far as
adopting one or more themselves.  The man who started the Ferret Lover's
Picnic has already said he could accommodate one.  I hope to hear from a few
more of you and I hope you won't hesitate to e-mail me/us back.
Thanks for listening, and a special thanks to Randy for letting us know
about them. I'm so excited about being able to help our fuzzy friends.
We're calling one of the new little boys, Sonny....'cause he's brought a
ray of sunshine into our lives.  We haven't decided on a name for the
second one yet.
Deb., Manfred and The Fischer Zoo
[Posted in FML issue 2172]