A new one for me!
I normally only give ferret baths when needed (messy stuck poohs, sticky fur
from that spilled cola, or a once-every-6-month-going-to-visit-grandma
haveto).  My established ferret family seems to prefer this arrangement, so
I'm definitely not used to having to insist that a fuzzbutt get out of the
tub once the water's running.  Until now!  After starting the shower and
stepping in, up hops Elmo.  He wants in the tub.  Mom says no, but he
insists.  I let him in thinking that once he feels the water splashing
around him, he'll high-tail it out of there.  But no- loves it!  Then he
wants me to pick him up in the shower.  So, I get a shower and Elmo gets a
shower, too!  He's as calm as water in a dish and soaking up every glorious
drop.  Water is running off the end of his nose and he's letting me scrub
him up.  It's pretty hard to scrub a 4 lb.  ferret and yourself at the same
time.  I wish they all would be this easy to bathe.
Nick names for my fuzzbutts:
Cocoa:  Cocoa puff, stinky face, silwy ferwet.
Fuzzy:  Missy, miss priss, pretty girl.
Cookie:  Sweetie, sweetie pie, cookie-snookems.
Peanut:  Stinky butt, stinky butt-boy, peanie.
Elmo:  Bear, tubbo, silwy ferwet 2, Snowball.
[Posted in FML issue 2179]