Well, it's official.  Squeaker has diabetes.  Apparently, the combination of
previous insulinoma surgery and prolonged steroid therapy (pediapred) has
shut down her pancreas.  She is drinking and peeing up a storm, and she is
spilling both sugar and ketones in her urine.  A better glucose was taken
this afternoon, an hour after she ate, and has confirmed -- her glucose was
Insulin is the only alternative now, and the vet tells us that her glucose
will be very hard to regulate.  We'll have to give injections twice a day
and take her in every week for blood tests.
I would greatly appreciate hearing from anyone else who has dealt with this.
Diabetes is very rare in ferts, I know, but I figure this is the place to
find anyone else who may've had this problem.
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The development of our cerebral cortex has been the greatest achievement of
the evolutionary processes.  Big deal.
                                        -- Fox Mulder, FBI
Verbum sapienti:
quo plus habent,
eo plus cupiunt.
Post nubila, Phoebus.  -- Enya
[Posted in FML issue 2179]