The Truth Is Out There-You Just Have To Know Where To Look
Hi Everybody!!
I have a question--how bad is chocolate for ferrets?  I know dogs can't have
it at all but Starbuck has discovered that her new favorite thing in the
whole world is Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and I was wondering if it's okay
for me to give her a tiny bite every now & then.  I realize it's not exactly
a necessary dietary supplement but she reeeaaallly likes it.
I was also wondering if anyone has ever made a long car trip with a ferret.
We just drove from Virginia to Massachusetts and back.  She did really well,
considering.  She was the hit of every rest stop.  But I was wondering what
kind of travel cage to use or what I could do to make it more comfortable
for her.
Well, that's all for now.  Hugs & kisses to all the fuzzies!
                  -Sky & Starbuck, the energizer ferret
[Posted in FML issue 2179]