I have noticed the word "Ferret" in the names of various software packages.
The manufacturer even uses a ferret for their logo.  These types of software
are e.g..  Search Engines, Server Administrators, etc..  I would assume
these various software packages need to be fast, efficient, meticulous upon
retrieving and returning information.
For someone to "Ferret" out the facts means that they need to be well
organized, devious and very good at planning and scheming to get all the
facts of a situation at hand.
Now as for our lovable "Ferrets" we can say they are all crafty at planning
& scheming and are even meticulous.  Organized?  Not on your life... I don't
know about your lovable ones, but mine can organize a bookshelf of CD's,
movies and of course books, in about 2 seconds flat.
But wait, they are indeed organized!!!
"They only like things the way they like because.....that's the way they
like 'em)!!!  Just as we hoomans do too, the nature of the beast I guess!!
I just thought this was kinda cute, looking at their skills from another
PS: My ferrets have middle names too: Jade Elaine & Daisy Mai lastname
Boies.  Where I give them a middle name, a friend asked me, "Oh do they have
Well I am not sure if they do or not, but anyway, I answered "In my heart
they do!"  They are as precious and lovable to me as the top notch $ pet.
I love them with all my heart.
Take care my ferret friends.....
Sherri & 2 of the world's best Organizers.....Jade & Daisy.
[Posted in FML issue 2177]