To Kymberlie Becker:
You poor thing!  I have lived through the trauma of having to put ferrets to
sleep and I have experienced the same kind of anxiety dreams.  It's only
because you love them so much I'm sure.
I dealt with the dreams in this way: I visualized my ferret (Silk) sleeping
at Jesus' feet every night before I went to sleep.  I imagined Jesus sitting
in a throne with clouds all around.  He was wearing a long robe that pooled
around his feet on the floor.  Silk was all curled up in the robe with a
very peaceful look on his face.  Sometimes I imagined that Jesus was
sleeping too with Silk in his lap.  I'm not familiar with your religious
beliefs, but I'm sure you can come up with something similar.
Good luck with your nightmares.  I'm sure that your Ricky and Sassy are
playing somewhere with my Silk and they are having a wonderful time.  ;~)
Bido-Mom to three bundles of madness
PS The underwater ferret in the calender disturbed me too.  I'm not sure
why.  Otherwise, I agree that it was a wonderful calendar!
[Posted in FML issue 2177]