OK, I'm getting deluged by people asking me to email the ordering info
again.  So here it is.  The shirts themselves were shipped up from FL,
so when they arrive I can start shipping.  There are only about 50 shirts
left; mediums are in very short supply.
Price: (shipping extra)
Shirts are 10 US dollars each for Medium, Large, or Extra-Large
An Extra-extra large is 13 dollars.
One dollar is donated to the shelter fund for each shirt sold.  The shirts
are 9.50 if you prefer not to donate.
Shipping costs:
I'll ship them priority mail, so postage for 1 or 2 shirts within the states
would be 3 USD.
You can send checks to:
Bill Gruber
P.O. Box 6179
New York, NY 10150
You can view the design at http://members.aol.com/bgruber/fml10tee.gif
[Posted in FML issue 2203]