Did you want to attend the FML, but weren't able?  Curious to see what we
all look like?  Then check out: http://www2.gdi.net/~ksherman/FML.html where
you'll find 21 pictures taken in Bill Gruber's hospitality suite from
Thursday through Sunday.
Seriously, the FML anniversary party was a blast and I wish that more
subscribers could have been with us!  This was one of the best weekends I've
had in a long time, but I don't know how much more weekend I could have
taken; I'm not used to getting that little sleep for so long a period!
I made some wonderful friends which will make the FML seem even that much
more of a special community to me.  I will keep with me many memories of the
fun I had, like being doubled over in pain from laughing so hard with Amy
Evers and Jennifer Braun, or Jill Whitfield and Juliana Quadrozzi defending
our parking space at the Contemporary Hotel, or walking into a post (padded,
thank God!) and then watching Amy do the same thing two minutes later.  I'm
sure in the next few days, many stories will be told of adventures
experienced and friends made.  I look forward to them!
Happy ferreting!
Ken & Susie Sherman
[Posted in FML issue 2203]