Hello Everyone,
Well Dr. Williams thought it be a good idea that I get Champ descented.  He
thought Champs anal glands were impacted.  So he went in for surgery on
Wed.(1/28/98) and came home yesterday morning.  Our vet likes to keep
descents overnight to be sure all is ok.  Which was certainly all right
by me.
He left it as an open insicion (please forgive my spelling) and told me to
put neosporin on the site 2 x's per day.  He is playing, drinking, eating,
pooping and peeing just fine.  He seems to be having no problems.  He's back
in with the other ferrets.  I put him in last night.  His site looks good
and I've changed the litter to paper litter so the cat litter doesn't get
stuck to his butt.  Thanks for all the responses on the pros and cons of
descenting.  I took everything into consideration and did not do this
because of a smell factor but because of health issues.
Kelly Ferret mum to 4.
[Posted in FML issue 2203]