I am about half done with putting all the current rabies quarantine data
(now with addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail numbers -- when
available -- compiled from various sources) into rough form, and then I have
to type it all into the computer.  After that you will see it, but this may
take until after the weekend.  On the FML it may have to appear as serial
mailings over several days.
Used several categories to get a GENERAL handle on what's in the text:
12 states still have not replied.  Relevant SPH Veterinarians and
Epidemiologists: please, send information; without it we have no idea if you
have seen and acted upon the 1998 Compendium.  There have also not been
replies from the 5 territories, the District of Columbia, or New York City.
5 states are in the process of getting change to becoming quarantine states.
Because state procedures vary so widely in how this process is structured by
state law this can take unavoidable months in a number of cases.
29 have some form of Quarantine in place.  Most still need education on a
local level by ferret groups to be sure that the 1998 Compendium is well
known.  In a few cases these states still need legislation because of the
autonomy of local departments; this situation is a serious hazard to ferret
safety.  Some have quarantines of a longer duration than mentioned in the
Compendium.  Some do not have quarantines for unvaccinated ferrets, so in
those states people will want to see about changing this ASAP.  (Note in the
final case that some of the states which do not quarantine unvaccinated
ferrets also do not quarantine unvaccinated dogs or unvaccinated cats.  Any
of the three will die without proper shots given by a vet.) IMPORTANT: One
of these states informed me by telephone, one informed Diane Rogers of the
American Ferret Organization by telephone, and two are from letters from
individuals very well known to me who are officers of their state's ferret
organizations.  The rest are by direct letter responses to my inquiry or by
the sharing of that state's memo to local health departments on state
letterhead, with most being letters.
The replies regarding 3 states were vague for an assortment of reasons.
The reply from the military does not affect quarantines since they follow
the laws of the states in which bases are located, but the efforts here may
help with base permission to have ferrets and transportation issues, and a
perfect-for-the-task liason is working on this.
One (1) state wrote that quarantine for ferrets would NOT be considered
until even more shedding studies have been published.  That state is
It is strongly urged that residents check with their own states in case some
unmentioned difficulty turns out to be present (and let me know about any at
my home address immediately, as well as informing the FML), and that
everyone get a copy of the Compendium and share it with the local animal
control officials, local health departments, local emergency rooms,
veterinarians, shelters, and others who should be familiar with its
contents.  The ferrets you save may be your own.
Replies are requested from state officials who notice any error in this
[Posted in FML issue 2203]