I am sitting here right now with knots in my stomach.  Yesterday was a very
very bad day.  And it was my birthday of all things.  And it wasn't bad
because I am anxious about getting older or because my husband lost his job
a week ago and we are broke (all of which is true.)  It is because I am damn
mad over ignorant people being anywhere near ferrets.  Things started out
okay.  Were having it rough right now but we will manage.  We are supposed
to be getting our tax returns within the next week or two so we decided to
go look at ferret cages for our babies.  So they can have a bit more room to
roam when they aren't on the loose.  We go into this pet store in our
neighborhood.  It is called Indian nation pet store (in case anyone has the
vile notion of ever going there while in Okc).  Anyways, they usually keep
MF kits there.  But as were looking at their cage assortment I notice they
had a ferret for sale for fifty dollars.  I asked the owner what the story
was.  Fifty is pretty cheap for them.  He said "she is a year old, her owner
brought her in 2 days ago, and she has never been spayed..." I asked if she
was a biter and he said no.  I asked to see her and he got her out for me.
She was a very sweet loving and very large girl.  She cuddled in my arm.  I
looked towards her privates and noticed her vulva was very swollen.  I said
to the owner "she is in heat"....his reply "what makes you think that?  " I
said to him "well look!"  He began to mumble....somthing about no big deal
and going out in 30 days.  I asked him if he knew much about ferrets, he
said "oh yeah" (of course) I was irate and in shock.  I dont really remember
what else I said to him.  I did ask him if he had a vasectomized male to
bring her out, and he said no, that if he had a whole male, he would breed
her himself.  I said "well she has got to be fixed.." and all the time he
was mumbling junk and backing away.  There were parrots hollering in the
background so it was hard to hear.  I did notice some bright yellowish green
slimy stuff on her rear.  But she was all wet too, she had just sat in her
water bowl, so I dont know if they had put any vitamins in there and it had
gotten on her or not.  They had all the lights turned off in there and only
the light from the store front windows to see by.  I dont know if it was ECE
or not.  I didn't notice any odd stools in the cage, but I didn't really
look, I was to upset and only thought of it after wards.
The sad thing is, the man probably didn't know what he was talking about.
Or if he did, he was not going to clue me in , in case I didn't know.  If I
had not known I could have bought her and taken her home, only for her to
die.  Chances are, her owner no longer wanted her and brought her in and
just gave the poor girl to the store and he was just making a quick buck off
of her.
When we left I begged my husband if we could go pawn my one carot engagement
ring for fifty dollars, that way I could buy her and get her fixed next week
when our tax money comes in.  But he said no.  He loves animals, but he
doesn't feel obligated to save every ferret he see's, like I do.  He said he
wasn't going to pay fifty dollars for a ferret, and then turn around and pay
another hundred for a vet.  Especially when the animal might die.  But I
said "doesn't she deserve to die with someone who at least cares about her
and who is trying to help her?!" He is also afraid of her infecting our
ferrets with somthing.  But I explained that we could put her in our spare
cage up stairs and isolate her.  He still is saying no, but might be swayed.
I am at a loss on what to do.  This is just making me so sick to the point
that I refused to even celebrate my birthday.  What do I do?  I dont feel
the shop owner would be very receptive to my input or ideas.  He just wants
his money.  They have to ferrets in the store already that just stay there
but are not for sale, and the female has absolutely no hair on her tail, and
I have asked about it and they say "oh that is just how she is"....they
claim she isn't sick.... So do I just wait until we get our money and pray
she is stll there and go and buy her?  I am afraid if I raise to much of a
stink with the owner that he wont even talk to me or give me the chance to
buy her.
There are no shelters/rescues here In Oklahoma city, but there are two that
I know of in other towns.  I know one of the shelters owners subscribes to
the fml.  If she reads this, please e mail me if you have any advice or can
offer any help.  I would e mail her but I lost her address.  And if anyone
else can offer advice, shelter owners, anyone, please e mail me!  This fuzzy
deserves better!
Michelle Phillips
[Posted in FML issue 2203]