Capt. Meme (aka NONOBADFERRET)Reporting to headquarters..
Arghhh!  The dog is an enemy agent!  We went in on a ground recon mission
and retrieved one ball that the dog had stolen from us.  While there we saw
a very strange object so we went in to investigate.  It turned out to be a
doggie poop-mine.  If one of our unsuspecting troops had dragged it back to
our mission headquarters(our hidey-hole) we would have been stunk out of our
head quarters.  This is a sly and devious beast!  Our silly human is trying
to prevent all out war by removing the poop-mines, but we will retaliate
The dog kibbles we stole were very good tasting, so we will stash a supply
in case our ferret food bin ever runs dry.  Tomorrow we will go in to see
what else we can steal from this dog.  It has a stuffed duck toy that Sgt.
Chewbakka says is imperative that he have.  Tonite we will mine the bedroom
door to keep the dog out of our secure room.  Wish us luck!
Capt. Meme of the Elite Air Attack Squad signing off...
Mikki & Dee                       -l-
"Learning To Fly"on Autopilot  -o-(_)-o-  Team AMIGA
[Posted in FML issue 2200]